Tuesday, January 28, 2020

le 28 janvier


-Library tomorrow, please bring books to exchange
-Yearbook sales are on until Friday, January 31st.  Yearbooks are $15 and can be ordered through your powerschool account.
-Parents and guardians are invited to our school literacy night on Thursday, February 6th.  Teacher Mme Jennifer McCann will be presenting on how children learn to read, what the current research tells us is most effective and important, and how to best support your child.  A question and answer period will follow.  Please register online at: https://forms.gle/585rrbPeSx5Krtf2A if you are able to attend.
-No gym tomorrow, but gym on Thursday!

Today in salle 6:
-We had daily 5, you can ask students about which centre they participated in today.
-We used our new writing checklists to check are own work for capitals, punctuation, spelling and the date.  Myself or Mme Emily worked one-on-one with each student to check the checklist and make sure it is a tool that can help us to become even better writers!
-In math we did a balance number talking finding how many ways we could find different sums for 32.
-We wrote in our journals three different ways to find the sum of 21 + 34.
-We also talked about attributes for patterns.  We put blue and green circles, and blue and green triangles on the board. First we made pattern using shapes and second we made the same pattern but using colours.
-We talked about the water cycle in science, we watched a little video and then students drew and presented their work with a partner.
-In health we watched some class dojo video's on what to do if you feel stuck when you are working or something feels to hard.  We talked about strategies like asking for help, trying a different way, or taking a break and coming back when you feel ready.
-In gym students continued to present their gymnastics routines and they had time to explore on the Canadian Climber!


Mme Lauren

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